The Western Australian Railfan Site


August/Sept 2002 News | Mixed Gallery 3 | Mixed Gallery 2 | Perth Suburban Rail Network Map | A look at NA1874 | Accident damaged P2005 | A1514 - AWR Livery | The W.A Railfan Bookshop | Q301 in AWR livery | NR Derailment 21/05/01 | W.A. Rail Network Map | Hamersley Iron Graveyard | DD592 | South Spur Rail Services | Rail Transport Museum | Standard Gauge locos | Geraldton | Narrow Gauge Locos | L260 | A1513 after overhaul | S549 'Greenmount' | G233 'Lechenault Lady' | Hotham Valley Diesel Locos | Hotham Valley Steam Locos | S.A. coaches at Midland | Inside Midland Workshops | Around Leighton | Passenger Railcars | National Rail Locos in Perth | SCT Locos | Australia Southern Railroad | Freight Australia | Narrow Gauge Wheat Trains | Standard Gauge Wheat Trains | LINKS | Sign the Guestbook | Contact | June/July 2002 News
Hamersley Iron Graveyard

These ex Hamersley Iron locomotives taken on 23 April 2000 are located in a field near the Perth southern suburb of Maddington. The locos, numbering about 50 in total, all have bogies, fuel tanks and power units removed and are heavily stripped of other parts and many of the cabs have been vandalised. A local scrap merchant owns the yard.

The Western Australian Railfan Site 2001